Sunday, February 2, 2020

Could You Survive the Home Alone Traps?

According to the youtubers from thevsauceteam, the producers of home alone were especially lenient with what the public was allowed to see. After they recreated the mccallister home and some of the most memorable boobytraps, vsauce found these were a lot more frightening than people thought. In other words, if home alone used realistic physics and forensics, kevin would have been a first-degree murderer. According to the YouTubers from theVsauceteam, the producers of Home Alone were especially lenient with what the public was allowed to see. After they recreated the McCallister home and some of the most memorable boobytraps, Vsauce found these were a lot more frightening than people thought. In other words, if Home Alone used realistic physics and forensics, Kevin would have been a first-degree murderer.

The guys from Nerdist put little Kevin McCallister's bad guy booby traps to the test to see if they would actually work and what effect they would have on the human body. It starts with the red-hot doorknob, which as it turns out wouldn’t actually scorch the robber’s hand, but would certainly burn the door down and probably the house, too. Harry hitting Marv in the chest with his crowbar to kill Buzz's spider (which isn't exactly a trap) breaks ribs and punctures the lung and heart. However, they do this on a gel torso, which doesn't account for the large, heavy coat Marv is wearing.

Trap 5: Falling From a Treehouse

If these traps existed in real life, would they still result in hillarious slapstick or would they leave a trail of bodies? Home Alone was a massive success when it was released in 1990. Vsauce’s Jake Roper is the twisted genius behind the discovery . YouTuber Jake Roper put together this video where he tested out the traps Kevin laid out for Marv and Harry throughout the McAllister home. You can't deny the fact that at some stage while watching Harry and Marv getting hit in the face with tins of paint, you've thought, 'No way, that would kill you if it happened'. When pushed, the one-gallon can, which weighs 13-pounds, swings at a speed of 20 miles per hour.

could you survive the home alone traps

That’s twice as much as getting punched by boxing champ Mike Tyson. Born in my mom’s basement, I’ve stayed there to embody the stereotype. One day I will rise up… to the main floor of the house. YouTuber Jake Roper from Vsauce3 did test out some traps and stunts and stuff from the classic christmas movie “Home Alone”.

Trap 3: Blow Torch to the Top of the Head

In one scene, Harry attempts to sneak into the house through a side door. As a kid you see rebel Kevin McCallister, taking a stand against some treacherous burglars that are threatening to ruin his perfect Christmas. Watching the movieHome Aloneas a kid versus when you’re an adult seems like two vastly different experiences. And when you’re in the shallow, murky rivers of South America, home to the deadly anaconda, you realize this... Kevin cuts the line, causing them to swing back towards the house and smash into a brick wall. That would likely fracture their humerus bones and dislocate their shoulders.

could you survive the home alone traps

However, the toilet exploding would cause 2nd or 3rd degree burns over the entire body, which would result in death. Could you survive a paint can smashing your face at 32 km/h ? These are just some of the sadistic traps that make up the massively popular holiday film “Home Alone”.

Could You Survive The Traps From Home Alone?

Kevin McCallister,the movie’s budding psychopath, would be a cold-blooded killer. They address the blowtorch but don't give us the answer. I found the other video and it says that it wouldn't be fatal, however it does say that he would need skull reconstruction if the fire blasted him for 10 seconds. At you can watch funny videos, hot videos, most viewed YouTube videos, movie trailers, YouTube music videos, educational videos and can get the best YouTube videos at one place.

could you survive the home alone traps

Let’s take a look at the movie’s top five traps and see how the burglars could have survived them without Hollywood’s help. So suggests a brand new video from Jake Roper who sifted through each of Kevin's traps to discern how Harry and Marv would have fared in real life. As you would expect, the potential for injury is great with all of these traps.

Could You Survive 'Home Alone' Booby Traps?

Teeth would be lost, your nose would be broken and there would be multiple fractures to your face. Youtube starVsauce3 decided to put it to the test, compiling a very comprehensive video of what would happen physically to the human body if it were subjected to such acts. What If is presented by Underknown, a production company creating a variety of short-doc series that search for the underlying truth of how our world operates and how it came to be. Our shows take you to the frontiers of science and make the most complex ideas and theories entertaining and accessible.

could you survive the home alone traps

While walking up the basement stairs, he stepped in tar and on a nail. While the nail wouldn’t kill him, tetanus in the puncture wound could. The best way he could have survived this is to be up-to-date on his tetanus vaccination. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting.

Scroll down to watch the video Wandering off the hiking trail seemed like a great way to get in touch with Mother Nature, but now every part of the forest is starting to... You’re out sailing on the beautiful, vast reaches of the sea. But the tide starts to pick up, a colossal wave violently crashes...

could you survive the home alone traps

This guy builds the home alone traps to find out if a person can actually survive those traps or not. Once Harry realizes his head is on fire, he pushes it inside of a toilet to smolder the flames - and within seconds the toilet explodes while he is still face down in the bowl. Remembering the bandits, Kevin lures them back to his uncle's townhouse where he has been staying and rigs the place with numerous traps. As soon as Harry opens the door, flames come blowing out of the device and set Harry's head on fire. Am I the only one who thinks there is something seriously wrong with this Kevin kid?

How to Survive an Opening Sinkhole

The impact is the equivalent of getting punched in the face by Mike Tyson, twice. The blow would be sure to knock the bandits unconscious, and would probably crack their skulls. The gallon of paint swinging is almost guaranteed to knock you unconscious and has a 40% chance to crack your skull, however it's likely not fatal. Geminid Meteor Shower will peak this evening, with up to 150 shooting stars flying overhead... O'Hara says another top section of the scalp would be burned off and would have experienced the same symptoms and injuries as the first time Harry was scorched with a blowtorch in the original Home Alone.

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